Maha’s success story

  • Project:

    Voucher Program for Safe Motherhood

  • Name:

    Maha’s success story

  • Location:


Maha’s success story

Story Telling

Father ’s name - Abdullah Saleh Hussein Hamoud Mahdi

Mother 's name – Haifa Ali Hussein Hamoud Mahdi

The mother got married at the age of 14 ,and now at  22 years old she had gave birth to four children, first named Samah, age 9 years and the second named Manal, age 7 years and a third named of Mohammed, age 6 years and was born in the seventh month, but the size and weight were not like the last child Maha who weighted 920 gram At the age of six months . 
her mother suffered birth complications in the beginning of the seventh month of pregnancy, she was taken to the hospital, where she delivered immediately, and the child was admitted for 28 days in the nursery.
The voucher program ensured all medicinal needs, the hospital staff took care of the child tell she weighed 1 kilo 300 grams
The baby was unable to complete her breastfeeding because she spent a long period of time in the nursery. The mother was discharged, milk dried from her, the parents had to buy additional artificial milk. And considering their difficult financial conditions they barely covered the daily expense rather along the milk for the child. They lived in the house of the great family. Maha’s father said that he had about five months without pay. Therefore, the voucher program was crucial to saving Maha’s life.

The program has contributed to improving the quality of the hospital's

services and modernizing its equipment. including the incubator section, and that was an important factor in the life saving of Maha

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